Tagged: #mentalhealthmatters


How to deal with a narcissistic:  What works and what doesn’t

Dealing with a narcissist may seem like an endless mountain, particularly if they only ever think about themselves. Regardless of what kind of relationship you are in, they might manipulate a situation to get what they want. Unfortunately, narcissists fail to realize how self-centered they are.


Adult ADHD- A character flaw or a real illness?

ADHD is a syndrome of the brain manifested mainly due to a abnormal brain chemistry, brain structure, and the connectivity of their neurons.   Plainly said, an individual suffering from ADHD has no control over the development of their symptoms, but with proper support and treatment, one can learn to effectively go about their day-to-day responsibilities.


How to Support your Partner with Bipolar Mood Disorder

Living with a person with mood disorder can be excruciatingly difficult-it may sometimes seem like a big roller coaster ride. One may notice high episodes of ‘manic behaviors’ or phases of ‘hypomania’ and at times, low episodes of depression. Then, one may encounter these ‘mixed’ episodes, where the mania and the depression are both present at the same time. This uncertainty of ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ and a lack of understanding about them can drive even the closest relationships apart; even to the breaking point.
So, what is it like, to live with a person who is diagnosed with the mood disorder?


Make your emotions work for you- Not against you

No matter what is going on in your life right now; know that we as humans were never made to live continuously with restrictive emotions like fear, stress, anxiety, worry and anger. The purpose of our lives is not to remain stuck, stressed and wasting energy we could use for positive purposes, like enjoying life more and realizing our dreams.


How to manage your mental health this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and thanks to COVID, this year, thanksgiving will be one unique experience. From the thanksgiving parades nationwide, to the gathering, not to forget, even the size of the birds will be down-sized this year. Learn how you can take care of your mental health this thanksgiving