Author: adsouzajy


How to deal with a narcissistic:  What works and what doesn’t

Dealing with a narcissist may seem like an endless mountain, particularly if they only ever think about themselves. Regardless of what kind of relationship you are in, they might manipulate a situation to get what they want. Unfortunately, narcissists fail to realize how self-centered they are.


How to keep yourself grounded in distressing times

Grounding helps you focus on your senses, body or physical surroundings rather than the problem or the emotion.  For people suffering with post-traumatic stress disorders, nightmares or flashbacks, grounding or earthing exercises help you bring you back down to earth. The more you practice, the easier it becomes to gain that sense of calm in the present moment.


Benefits of Keeping a Journal

Journaling is an inexpensive, effective activity that can help you make sense of your thoughts, feelings and perspectives.  It gives you a chance to slow down and de-stress, release tensions and provide closure to your emotions.

COVID-19-Driven Changes That Should Be the New Normal 6

COVID-19-Driven Changes That Should Be the New Normal

The pandemic was incredibly challenging on several levels. Not only did it cause great mental and financial hardship, but it also underscored the unpredictability of life. Still, as turbulent and traumatic as the event was, it imparted many valuable lessons and was a catalyst for far-reaching, positive change. Below, Nursing With Anitha takes a look at corona-induced changes that we think should be the new normal moving forward