14 Easy Habits that build Mental Strength

Mental strength is your mind’s ability to keep working towards your goals regardless of the obstacles that stand in your way.

When life gives you lemons, what do you make of them? Complain about their sourness or just add a hint of sugar and enjoy the lemonade? You may have no control of the circumstances surrounding you but you can definitely control how you react to them. Mental strength is a set of skills that you can develop with practice. With each constructive decision you make, managing your feelings and thoughts becomes more automatic.

Cultivate habits that bring you greater success and peace of mind.

Try these suggestions for harnessing your strengths:

Gaining Wisdom

Many people who have experienced hardship have also reported a heightened appreciation for life and deepened spirituality. At times it takes a painful tragedy to teach you the greatest lessons in life. People leave. Let go of co-dependency. Circumstances change. Let go of too much reliance on a particular object or a work place. Increase your sense of self confidence and self worth by trying new things.

  1. Follow your curiosity. Explore your interests. Approach each day with a sense of adventure and welcome new experiences
  2. Continue learning. Commit yourself to lifelong learning. Signup for adult education courses at a local university or study a foreign language online. Read a different book each week and attend lectures at nearby museums.
  3. Indulge your creativity. Take up a hobby. Decorate cakes or knit a sweater. Spend time making crafts with your children.
  4. Develop mindfulness. Use prayer and meditation to deepen your mindfulness. Concentrate on one activity at a time. Live in the present moment.

Interacting with Others

“Right now, someone you haven’t met is out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you.” ~ Unknown

Be authentic in the way you communicate with others, recognize and appreciate their value and be generous with kindness. Perceive obstacles and deal with them not only as temporary incidents that can be overcome but as actual opportunities to reach your goals, are just a few of the roads on the way to respect and admiration

Cultivate gratitude. List the blessings in your life and recognize how much you depend on others. Think about the services you receive from those around you like the teachers who taught you how to read and farmers who grow your food. Gratitude, like mindfulness or yoga, is an awareness practice that helps train our mind into positivity and directs our attention. Gratitude makes us more resilient and flexible, and also offers a way to frame and learn from everything that unfolds in our lives.

  • Show respect. It’s easier to honor the value of each life when you appreciate how closely we are connected. Let your speech and actions express your esteem.
  • Be kind. However strong we are, mishaps still occur. Be gentle with yourself and others during difficult times. They’ll be more likely to return the favor.
  • Give generously. Share your time, talents, and wealth with others. You’ll feel richer and experience more joy and satisfaction. Surprise your family and friends with random gifts. Volunteer in your community and support worthy causes.
  • Practice forgiveness. Letting go of resentments frees up your energy. Pardon others when they offend you. Show the same compassion for yourself when you slip up.

Other Mental Habits

Muster up your courage. Growing stronger requires taking risks. Give
yourself credit for taking the plunge even if your first effort winds up
being just a trial run.
Keep your sights on what you have to gain when
you push yourself to speak in public or try a new sport.

Focus on integrity. Align your actions with your values. Think through
the long-term consequences of your decisions. Are you allocating your
time in a way that serves your purpose in life?

Tolerate discomfort. Uncertainty and setbacks are a part of life,
especially when you tackle challenges head on. Enduring a temporary
rough patch can be the first step toward a brighter future.

Delay gratification. Impulse control is one of the most important skills
associated with happiness and high achievement.
The secret is to
distract yourself from temptations so you can put them in perspective.

Learn from the past and know that there is hope for the future. Whether you feel strong or weak today, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who or what has caused greatest stress for me in the past?
  • How did I overcome?
  • What have I learnt from my most traumatic experiences?
  • What/Who helps and what/who doesn’t?

Answering these questions will make you more hopeful for a better tomorrow.
You’ll be better prepared to handle any circumstances when you reinforce your inner strengths. A positive mindset is what it takes. Step forward and take action to deal with your problems of today; meet the demands of daily living; but also know when to step back and rest/reenergize yourself.

Do you have more to add? I would love to hear your stories in the comments below.


I am Anitha Sara D'souza a mental health nurse and a blogger. If you are looking for help with your mental health issues or the issues pertaining to your loved ones' you are in the right place! You will find all the support you need, here You are a mental health professional or a nurse looking to delve into psych nursing, you will find all the help, support and have your questions answered here It is my mission and my vision to educate my fellow nurses and clinicians that mental health is a disease that needs attention and that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I chose mental health with a purpose; so that I can help the most vulnerable sections of the society; I chose mental health so that I can help different people in all age groups, to work with people and the illnesses that people hesitate to talk about. Having traveled extensively all my adult life and having practiced nursing in three different countries, across the continents, if there is one thing that I have noticed, it is the stigma that is associated with mental illnesses. This blog is the voice of the voiceless; meant to educate not just those affected, but also the nurses and the professionals looking into venturing into this noble profession.

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14 Responses

  1. Thank you for the reminders!

  2. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you for passing by

  3. I think these are some great life lessons for everybody.

  4. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you

  5. Absolutely!! These great tips help us going through the tough times. I love reminding these to me repeatedly. Showing generosity and kindness definitely contribute to mental peace to a great extent. Great post!!

  6. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you

  7. Ann says:

    Awesome tips! Love you make these complicated things easy ❤️

  8. Rachel says:

    Great tips to help. Thanks so much.

  9. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you

  10. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you

  11. Tammymharris says:

    Great tips, thank you for sharing!

  12. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you

  13. Jojo Reyes Jr says:

    Nice tips for mental health strength.

  14. adsouzajy says:

    Thank you

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