Tagged: #COVID19

COVID-19-Driven Changes That Should Be the New Normal 6

COVID-19-Driven Changes That Should Be the New Normal

The pandemic was incredibly challenging on several levels. Not only did it cause great mental and financial hardship, but it also underscored the unpredictability of life. Still, as turbulent and traumatic as the event was, it imparted many valuable lessons and was a catalyst for far-reaching, positive change. Below, Nursing With Anitha takes a look at corona-induced changes that we think should be the new normal moving forward


How to manage holiday stress and the winter blues amidst COVID-19

When the weather is cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it’s easier to feel down and despondent. People with pre-existing mental health conditions could be severely affected with these ‘holiday blues’./’winter blues’ Some of the additional triggers brought on by the financial stress, cold weather, and loneliness, without the global pandemic and worldwide travel bans definitely do add to the strain.